martes, 27 de julio de 2010

Fixing Mistakes 2.0 Pablo Rodriguez's blog

World Cups

2006 (9 June – 9 July)
- Winner: Italia
- Stadium: Olympiastadion . Allianz Arena, AOL Arena.


- South Corea & Japan
- 2002 (31 May - 30 June)
- Winner: Brasil
- Stadium: Yokohama, Osaka, Daejeon


- Francia
- 1998 (10 June – 12 July)
- Champion: France
- Stadium: Paris, Lyon, Lens.


- Estados Unidos
- 1994 (17 June – 17 July).
- Champion: Brasil.
- Stadium: Rosebowl, Pontiac, Chicago.


- Italia
1990 (8 June – 8 July)
Champion: Alemania
- Stadium: Rome, Milan, Naples


- Chile 
- 1962 (30 May – 17 June).
- Champion: Brasil.
- Stadium: Carlos Dittborn, Nacional, Sausalito.


- Germany 
2006 (June 9th  – July 9th)
- Winner: Italy
- Stadium: Olympiastadion . Allianz Arena, AOL Arena.


- South Corea & Japan
- 2002 ( May 31st -  June 30th)
- Winner: Brasil
- Stadium: Yokohama, Osaka, Daejeon


- France
- 1998 ( June 10th –  July 12th)
- Champion: France
- Stadium: Paris, Lyon, Lens.


- United States of America
- 1994 ( June 17th –  July 17th).
- Champion: Brasil.
- Stadium: Rosebowl, Pontiac, Chicago.


- Italy
1990 ( June 8th – July 8th)
Champion: Germany
- Stadium: Rome, Milan, Naples


- Chile 
- 1962 ( May 30th –  June 17th).
- Champion: Brasil.
- Stadium: Carlos Dittborn, Nacional, Sausalito.


I think about that sentence and is too right, because the people need trust in his selfs to succeed in theirs lifes and venture on what each person thinks , because if you don't ventured, you don't win and also don't lose , with this I want say about if you have a good idea you must say it ! and don't save for yourself , you must share that , because maybe is a important aport for the rest of people , and if you are wrong you don't lose anything , and the people could help you to solve that. So also is too important trust on yourself for be happy and feel good with himself :) .


                               "AS SOON AS YOU TRUST YOURSELF, YOU WILL KNOW HOW TO LIVE"

I think about that sentence and is too right, because the people need trust in himself  to succeed in theirs lifes and venture on what each person thinks , because if you don't ventured, you don't win and also don't lose , with this I want say about if you have a good idea you must say it ! and don't save for yourself , you must share that , because maybe is a important aport for the rest of people , and if you are wrong you don't lose anything , and the people could help you to solve that. So also is too important trust on yourself for be happy and feel good with himself :) .


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