jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

Countries in the world

- Chile (America)
-Japan ( Asia )
-Australia (Oceania )
-Italy (Europe)
-South Africa ( Africa)


-Chile: 17.248.450
-Japan: 126.874.000
-Italy : 60.681.548
-Australia :22.000.000
-South Africa : 49.320.000

Currency :

- Chile : Chilean pesos

-Japan :Yen

-Australia :Australian dollar

-Italy : Euro

-South Africa :Rand

Important date

-Chile : September 18th

-Japan : February 11th

-Australia : March 3th

-Italy : March 17th

-South Africa: March 31th

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

Can we help you?

-The adults don't take in consideration our opinions . We have to study all time
-To my Grandmother , and my brother

2- In this page, Dulcie helps you with your problems and gives you some advice. We think we will find problems from people of our age.

3- Purpose
1. A scared boy.
2. Bullying
3. Her parents didn't let her go to the concert.
4. The room of a lazy person.

2. Bigger boys
3. No free time
4. No privacy
1. Not a football hero.

4- Cheking
A. No privacy
B. Not a football hero
C. No free time

5- Language
1. Sailor
2. Except
3. Share
4. Untidy
5. Noise
6. Threaten
7. Including
8. Hit
9. Muscles
10. Inquisitive
11. Disturbed
12. Attracted
13. Appreciates
14. Neighbour