lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

The fire alarm


1. Jennifer
2.Concerned and worker
3.Tight , noisy and slow
4.A false fire alarm
5. The students reacted so slowly
6. The main character maybe became deaf
7.The fire alarm sounded in the school
8.The officer turn off again the fire alarm


If I was Jennifer (Micaela), I probably would be desperate, I would try help in something useful, try to help people, to clear corridors of obstacles and more other things. Of course I would try to scape, to save my life. And that I think I will probably do if I was Jennifer.

If I was Jennifer (Vicente)I believe that it had looked for the origin of the fire and had tried to look for a fire-extinguisher.And by precaution it had called the firemen and to order that they should vacate the building. And it had been the last one to go out to worry that they all are to except

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

Expectation for 2011

A- Expectations for 2011
Our expectations for this year are to improve in the academic area, which is better than last year, that the college buys computers. In addition we try to be mas arranged in classes. We hope that they take the conditionality from my (Vicente).And I like(Micaela) to speak less in classes

B-Things that i want improve this year

Some of many things that we want to improve in this school year are for example, to improve our conduct in classes, to raise the qualifications of last year, to be mas responsibly with works, studies and tasks, To share mas with all the companions, to have mas tolerance to the critiques, to improve the behavior with the teachers and friends . Also we try not to neglect subjects, to give the same importance to all . Also we want to have good disposition in classes and work with spirit and dedication.