jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

Countries in the world

- Chile (America)
-Japan ( Asia )
-Australia (Oceania )
-Italy (Europe)
-South Africa ( Africa)


-Chile: 17.248.450
-Japan: 126.874.000
-Italy : 60.681.548
-Australia :22.000.000
-South Africa : 49.320.000

Currency :

- Chile : Chilean pesos

-Japan :Yen

-Australia :Australian dollar

-Italy : Euro

-South Africa :Rand

Important date

-Chile : September 18th

-Japan : February 11th

-Australia : March 3th

-Italy : March 17th

-South Africa: March 31th

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

Can we help you?

-The adults don't take in consideration our opinions . We have to study all time
-To my Grandmother , and my brother

2- In this page, Dulcie helps you with your problems and gives you some advice. We think we will find problems from people of our age.

3- Purpose
1. A scared boy.
2. Bullying
3. Her parents didn't let her go to the concert.
4. The room of a lazy person.

2. Bigger boys
3. No free time
4. No privacy
1. Not a football hero.

4- Cheking
A. No privacy
B. Not a football hero
C. No free time

5- Language
1. Sailor
2. Except
3. Share
4. Untidy
5. Noise
6. Threaten
7. Including
8. Hit
9. Muscles
10. Inquisitive
11. Disturbed
12. Attracted
13. Appreciates
14. Neighbour

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Today's work

I-Independence day in 10 countries from Latinamerica (ex. Chile: September 18th)
II-Name the countries that had their 200 years of idependence from 2009-2011
III-How many countries does Latinamerica have?
IV-Do they all speak spanish ? Which ones don't speak spanish ? Name them and the language they speak.


I-. Perú : July 28th
Argentina : May 25th
Colombia :July 20th
Ecuador: August 10th
Venezuela: July 5th
Uruguay: August 25th
Mexico : September 16th
Paraguay : May 15th
Bolivia : August 6th
Brasil : September 7th

II-. Bolivia and Ecuador (2009) , Chile , Argentina , Colombia , Mexico , Venezuela (2010)


IV-. No

-Haiti : French
- Brasil :Portuguese
-Clipperton : French
-Guadalupe : French
-Guayana Francesa :French
-Martinica :French
-San Bartolomé:French
-San Martín :French
-San Pedro y Miquelón :French
Surinam: Dutch

viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

What do you know about Father Eladio? Tell me about his life. Important facts.

What I know about the father Eladio is that he founded the "Hnas. Josefinas de la Santisima Trinidad "
Eladio Mozas Santamera born and baptized on February 18, 1837 in Miedes of Atienza village on the edge of the Sierra de Pela, belonging to the province of Guadalajara and the Diocese of Sigüenza. The liturgy recalls the February 18 San Eladio, archbishop of Toledo. Her parents are Jose Mozas Martinez and Monica Santamera Serrano.
At 11 he began his studies at Eladio seminary of San Bartolomé de Sigüenza
In December 1862 he received a Doctorate in Theology from the Universidad Central de Madrid.
Ordained in April 1865 and it belongs and the Diocese of Plasencia.
This city has an intense life as a priest. Was pastor, seminary professor, Canon Penitentiary and spiritual director of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters of Serradilla who runs 549 letters high theological and mystical and literary beauty.
He lived in an age complex. In the nineteenth century were forged economic, social and religious deep
During his illness he had expressed the desire or even the certainty that on day 19,day of San José, what would happen in the sky. He died in his eve, day March 18, 1897 at 60 years of age.

viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

What is the best part of being a teenager?

The best part of being a teenager is still so large I have no obligations, like paying bills, pay for school, etc. Also part esque I like I can go to parties and I can go out withmy friends without my parents' concern that early again, if not that I can take care of myself. Another thing is that I can do more things, I can always do something with my friends. Also one of the best things is not old, since I have to go sick and stuff.Another thing is that you want to have such a relationship and everything is normal, if you want something formal do, if you do not want not, however, and more adultrelationships are more seriously and thinking about marriage ...
But without doubt the best stage of life you do what you want, if you want to give backto childhood, and having fun as a child, or behave like a young and going to partiesand you get together with friends, but anyway Young people can do everything that people in general do not understand

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Who is the greatest singer? Give reasons why

I think to say who is better or worst singer is very subjective, but has always been saidthat Frank Sinatra was one of the best with M. Jackson. But the truth is that this timeI thought of an artist who has a unique voice, like his style, he is Vicentico. Vicentico is one of the most unique voices of Argentine and Latin rock, is an artist who has the ability to write songs with rhythm, danceable, to slow songs that touch the heart. Also, if we go back a few years ago, remember that it was founder and lead singer of "Los Fabulosos Cadillacs" a group that many people remember them for their greatsuccesses. Also, his talent has taken him to sing with Mercedes Sosa, to RickyMartin or FitoPaez, showing that other great artists also like help in the songs. Thetruth is that enough words to describe his talent so here the only thing remains is to wait for the June 23 and enjoy the best Argentine singers in rock history.

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

Why is it important to come be a good person? Why not?

It is important to become a good person, first of all by the fact of feeling good aboutoneself, to stand by people who love you, and not be a selfish person who does notmind the other, etc. It also serves you in your future career, because being a good person, you will be honest with the other person, or if the head of a company, be good to your workers. And if you work in a profession related to the social sphere, or social work or related to medicine, you do your job better, since you will have extra motivation, to be the other person is properly .And why should not we be a good person, I think that has no logical justification,because I guess everyone wants people to be good and we help. But there arepeople not interested enrealidad be good, as many businessmen, politicians, eventhieves, who enrealidad last thing will be a good person, but I do not mean that thesepeople do not have to be good, what I mean NEVER be good.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

website for a school

1a-Who write it?
Jane Smith, Ben Harris, Maggie Atkinson ,James Bryant
What kind of information does it give ?
Give information about the begining of the school , and activities .

1b-They become famous:
*current news
* pictures, infractusture
*activities of the community
* And other things.

1c-links about : events , admission , dates , parents , students , contact .
*-photos about past events
-photos with students in activities
-dates of test
-phone contact

* link for our page:

1d- We would have photos about " student day" ,"family day", "official acts " and other things.

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011


1-Accommodation:A room, building, or space in which someone may live or stay.
-An accommodation be in wall street
2-Affluent : wealthy.
-My uncle is affluent
archaic (of water) flowing freely or copiously.
-The river is affluent
3-Arouse: evoke (a feeling or response).
-You arouse me angry
4-Bewilder:perplex or confuse.
-Your book is bewilder
5-Arrogant:having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
-Micaela is arrogant
6-Compel: force or oblige to do something.
-My mom compel me to clean my room
7-Impose:force to be accepted, done, or complied with.
-My boss impose unfair rules
8-Lenient: merciful or tolerant.
-Juan pablo II was a lenient guy
9-Novice:a person who is new to and inexperienced in a job or situation.
-The mail man is novice
10-Overt:done or shown openly.
-the presentation is overt
11-Coerce:persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.
-She coerce him with her atributes
12-Prudent:acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
-I am a prudent person
13-Scapegoat:a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings or mistakes of others.
-He is in jail for scapegoat
14-Superstition :excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural.
-he is a superstition man
15-Supplement::a thing added to something else to enhance or complete it.
-the manager supplement his style
16-Apathy:lack of interest or enthusiasm.
-The math teacher is apathy
17-Dismay:consternation and distress.
-My aunt has dismay
18-Endeavor:try hard to do or achieve.
-I endeavor so much in my studies
19-Frugal:sparing or economical as regards money or food.
->My dad is frugal
20-Mercenary:primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics.
-Hitler was a mercenary
21-Naive:lacking experience, wisdom, or judgement.
-The children are naive
22-Stringent:: strict, precise, and exacting.
-The director is stringent
23-Alluring:powerful attraction or fascination.
-The man of that cofee is alluring
24-Ample:enough or more than enough; plentiful.
-I ate ample of fruit
25-Bicker:argue about petty and trivial matters.
-With my friends bicker of soccer
26-Blend: mix and combine (something) with something else.
-I blend milk with juice
27-Avert:turn away (one's eyes or thoughts).
-I averted my ex girlfriend
28-Candid:truthful and straightforward; frank.
-My friend is candid
29-Erratic:not even or regular in pattern or movement.
-If i walk in the wrong corridor i will be erratic
30-Isolate: place apart or alone; cut off( place in quarantine)
-My grandmother's house is isolate
31-Destiny:the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person in the future.
-your destiny will be save the world
32-Diminish: make or become less
-our ideas are diminishing
33-Exempt:free from an obligation or liability imposed on others:
-these patients are exempt from all charges.
34-Query:a question, especially one expressing doubt.
-I have a query
35-Patron:a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, etc
-The patron of the organization hasn't paid us
36-Bogus:not genuine or true.
-This affirmation is bogus
37-Adroit:clever or skilful.
-Mr Peter parker is adroit

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

The fire alarm


1. Jennifer
2.Concerned and worker
3.Tight , noisy and slow
4.A false fire alarm
5. The students reacted so slowly
6. The main character maybe became deaf
7.The fire alarm sounded in the school
8.The officer turn off again the fire alarm


If I was Jennifer (Micaela), I probably would be desperate, I would try help in something useful, try to help people, to clear corridors of obstacles and more other things. Of course I would try to scape, to save my life. And that I think I will probably do if I was Jennifer.

If I was Jennifer (Vicente)I believe that it had looked for the origin of the fire and had tried to look for a fire-extinguisher.And by precaution it had called the firemen and to order that they should vacate the building. And it had been the last one to go out to worry that they all are to except

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

Expectation for 2011

A- Expectations for 2011
Our expectations for this year are to improve in the academic area, which is better than last year, that the college buys computers. In addition we try to be mas arranged in classes. We hope that they take the conditionality from my (Vicente).And I like(Micaela) to speak less in classes

B-Things that i want improve this year

Some of many things that we want to improve in this school year are for example, to improve our conduct in classes, to raise the qualifications of last year, to be mas responsibly with works, studies and tasks, To share mas with all the companions, to have mas tolerance to the critiques, to improve the behavior with the teachers and friends . Also we try not to neglect subjects, to give the same importance to all . Also we want to have good disposition in classes and work with spirit and dedication.